Crawford County Assessor - Public Notices
Board of Review 2018 Session
The Crawford County Board of Review session for 2018 tax year will begin Thursday, January 10, 2018. Beginning Monday, January 14, the board will meet each day in the Courthouse Annex from 10 a.m. until noon and 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. The deadline to file an assessment complaint for the 2018 tax year is Friday, February 8, 2018.
posted 1/10/2019
Notice to Taxpayers – Assessed Values by Supervisor of Assessment
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Property Tax Code (35 ILCS 200/) under Section 12-10, for the publication of the 2018 assessed valuations for real property and equalization under Sections 9-210 and 10-200. By law (35 ILCS 200/9-145), assessments of property, other than farm land and coal, are required to be assessed at 33 1/3% of fair cash (market) value.
Valuation date (35 ILCS 200/9-95): January 1, 2018 for 2018 Assessed Year
Valuation based on sales from (35 ILCS 200/1-155): 2015-2017
Median level of Assessment for Crawford County = 32.96 %
Pursuant to 35 ILCS 200/10-115, the farmland assessments for the 2018 assessment year increased by 10% of the preceding year’s median cropped soil productivity index per acre as certified by the Illinois Department of revenue with data provided by the Farmland Assessment Technical Advisory Board resulting in a $26.46 per acre increase for each soil productivity index.
Your property is to be assessed at the above listed median level of assessment for the assessment district. You may check the accuracy of your assessment by dividing your assessment by the median level of assessment. The resulting value should equal the estimated fair cash (market) value of your property. If the resulting value is greater than the estimated fair cash value of your property, you may be over-assessed. If the resulting value is less than the fair cash value of your property, you may be under-assessed. You may appeal your assessment to the Board of Review.
If you believe the full fair market value of your property is incorrect, or the assessed value is not uniform with other comparable properties in the same neighborhood, the following steps should be taken: 1. Contact Hope M Weber, CCAO, 100 S Douglas, Robinson. Office hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Telephone: 618-544-8221. If not satisfied with the assessor review, you may file an appeal with the Board of Review. Appeals must be filed with the board of review 30 days after this publication date of the assessment changes by the chief county assessment officer. Appeals filed late will not be heard. Contact for complaint forms, Board of Review Rules and Procedures, or assistance, Crawford County Board of Review, 100 S Douglas, Robinson. Office hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Telephone: 618-544-3400. Board of Review information is also available at the Assessor page of crawfordcountycentral.com
The amount of your tax bill is determined by taking the equalized assessed value (after board of review and state equalization) of your property and applying the aggregate tax rates from the levies of all local taxing districts and units of local government in which your property is located.
Your property tax bill is calculated as follows:
Equalized assessed value – Homestead Exemptions = Taxable value (assessment)
Taxable value x Total tax rates of all taxing districts = Total Tax Bill
You may qualify for a homestead exemption on your property which will reduce your property’s equalized assessed value. Homestead exemptions are available for general homestead, homestead improvement, disabled persons, disabled veterans, returning veterans, and senior citizens. For information and applications, contact the chief county assessment office at 618-544-8221. Exemption information is also available at the Assessor page of crawfordcountycentral.com
All the following assessed values by the Chief County Assessment Officer are subject to further equalization and revision by the Crawford County Board of Review as well as state equalization by the Illinois Department of Revenue. A complete list of the assessment changes by the Board of Review will be available for public inspection at Crawford County Courthouse Annex.
A complete list of assessments by Supervisor of Assessments for townships/assessment districts for the 2018 assessment year is as follows:
posted 1/10/2019